About Us

Sustainable Mail™ gives you the power to choose sustainable print without compromise..

We believe in the power of direct mailWe also believe that most people prefer sustainable optionsKeep exploring to learn why our products are not only sustainable, but also beautiful, fast and affordable.

Sustainable Paper

Sustainable printing starts with sustainable materials. At Sustainable Mail™ we are committed to sourcing papers with the lowest environmental impact possible. Explore the details.

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Carbon Balanced

100% of the carbon impact of manufacturing the paper used by Sustainable Mail is balanced through the Carbon Balanced Paper program operated in cooperation with the World Land TrustYou can proudly feature the Carbon Balanced Print logo on your printed products to communicate your commitment to reduce your carbon impact.


Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper supports responsible use of forest resources across all paper manufacturing stepsFSC chain-of-custody ensures that the paper can be tracked through FSC certified sources from the printer all the way back to the forest.


100% Recycled

Sustainable Mail ™ only uses paper made with 100% recycled fiberThis is post-consumer recycled fiber that has been reclaimed from products after they have been used for their intended purpose.

Sustainable Printing Process

Our printing processes are carefully designed to produce visually stunning printed materials using eco-friendly inks and minimal waste.



Waste Reduction

State-of-the-Art Technology

Our innovative printing equipment is precise and efficient, this minimizes waste and ensures that your projects are not only visually stunning but also eco-friendly. Sustainability benefits include: no setup waste, no aluminum plates needed, low minimums, and fast production speeds.

Eco-Choice Formats

Small adjustments in the size of a mailer can make better use of raw materials.  By choosing our Eco Choice formats, you not only save paper and ink but  it also saves you money.     Click “Get Stared” to see if these formats work for your message.


Sustainable Business Practices

Responsible material choices are important, but so are the people behind any business.  At Sustainable Mail and Hudson Printing, we believe that every choice we make is a vote for the kind of business we wish to be.  We choose sustainability every day. 



Responsibility for Impact

Printing is a resource intensive industry.  Acknowledging this fact inspires us to employ the best production methods, make thoughtful purchasing decisions,
and seek technology partners that think like we do.  The result is reduced waste, better materials, cutting-edge technologies, and more message impact with every printed item we deliver.  We believe in the power of print and acknowledge our obligation to produce it responsibly. 
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Hudson Printing / Loop initiative

LOOP is the name we use at Hudson Printing to describe our sustainability initiatives.  We monitor goals and achievements in target areas such as Climate Change, Waste Reduction, Energy Use, Technologies Employed, and Materials. 
Balancing the carbon for all our production activities was an important natural step for us in this ongoing effort to be the most responsible print partner for our customers that we can be.    A long-standing corporate partnership with Rocky Mountain Power’s BLUESKY renewable energy program. Technology investments in new equipment with a positive environmental impact such as the Landa Nanographic Printing® Presses.Sustainability campaigns and targets in five focus areas: climate change, waste, materials, energy, and technology.

Certified Carbon Balanced Printer

In 2023, Hudson Printing became a certified “Carbon Balanced Printer.”  We’re the first in North America to achieve this certification in conjunction with Carbon Balanced Paper North America, the Sustainable Paper Group, and the World Land Trust. 
The World Land Trust is an international conservation organization which works to protect the world’s most biodiverse and important lands, having the additional benefit of carbon sequestration. We believe this to be the most credible and impactful way to maximize the benefit of our carbon offsetting commitment. We’ve measured our carbon footprint and are working to reduce it. For carbon that we can’t immediately eliminate, we’ll offset via the conservation efforts of the World Land Trust. Hudson Printing is the first printer in North America’s to achieve the “Carbon Balanced Printer” certification by the World Land Trust. Printing with Hudson Printing or Sustainable Mail helps protect the most ecologically valuable land around the world. We believe that supporting the World Land Trust is the most impactful way to balance carbon emissions.